Class Attack: Comedy Writing with Paco Romane

Class Attack: Comedy Writing

All Experience Levels Welcome!

Each class is open to anyone of any experience level. All ideas and points-of-view are welcome and each class will be a supportive, encouraging, and fun experience.

My Qualifications:
I have been writing comedy for 10 years and have written stand up comedy, sketches, ad copy, copy for websites, short stories and more. I have written many comedy scripts, videos and sketches for San Francisco’s premier sketch comedy group Killing My Lobster, as well as for the sketch comedy group Richter Scale and have taught sketch comedy writing at the San Francisco Comedy College and at Killing My Lobster and created the method of writing sketches that Killing My Lobster still uses and teaches.


You’ll be introduced to the many aspects of comedy writing. You will get a intro to my own unique structure to writing comedy plus character development, scenes, beats and the ever beguiling “twist” ending. Students are encouraged to bring in comedy writing to workshop and get feedback.

In This Workshop We’ll Cover:

  • The Basics: Status, Obstacles
  • What Makes Good Comedy Writing

  • How to Punch Up 

  • How To “Find” An Ending

  • The Writers Room

Seats are LIMITED as I want everyone to be able to get the most out of this class!

* I cannot issue refunds for classes! 


Cost: $35 (early bird special!) then $50 after November 20th
Time: 11 am – 1pm
Date: Sunday December 4th
Location: The studio is located at the Spring Fall Dance Studio in Berkeley California at 2547 8th Street – Studio #20, Berkeley, California 94710